
ITWP (In Touch With People) is active in the global market research industry under two companies: Toluna and Harris Interactive. Through multiple acquisitions, ITWP has become one of the leading market research companies worldwide, with a strong focus on digital and automation.
Consumer tech
2009 - Active
Verlinvest contact
Simone Sallustio, Julius Hugelshofer


Thanks to its community of 9m members, ITWP gives real-time access to consumers across 49 countries. Its powerful proprietary tools (including Toluna Quick Surveys and SampleExpress) enable its customers to launch custom surveys in multiple markets with a few clicks, and to see results in less than 8 hours. It also provides survey sample and custom panel-building expertise to leading market research firms and advertising agencies worldwide.

ITWP was founded in 2000 by Frédéric-Charles Petit, its current CEO. Verlinvest invested in ITWP in July 2009. ITWP is incorporated in England and was listed on the AIM market until it was taken private by historical major shareholders Verlinvest, Eurovestech and Invesco, Management.